
My life as an Au-Pair in Germany

Assalamualaikum and good day my friends.
Hopefully you guys are doing well and I am so sorry that I haven't post any news in these 2 years time. Well most probably because I am addicted to Facebook. But now I have challenge myself to deactivate my facebook for 90days to have more time for myself and other people around me instead of sitting in front of my laptop.

Well, I've been in Germany few years ago as you guys know. It was in 2009  where I was here as an exchange student. Nope! Not as a university student because I was 18 and just finished my school that year. I was selected among few under NCIA program which organisation who sent student abroad in association with AFS. I bet you guys have never heard of AFS before. Forgive me if you guys do know about it. AFS is a non-profit organisation that sent student and receive student to stay one year abroad to learn the language, culture and be part of the community to provide better understanding. So I spent almost a year in Germany ( I wanted to go to New Zealand actually) and I didn't expect that its was a great year.

And now I am here again as an Au-Pair. What is an Au-Pair? Au-Pair is kinda like babysitting but for a long period of time. Let's say for one year. I will be staying in a family that need someone to look after their children. Most of the parents are busy with work and have just a little time for their kids. So Au-Pair is a program worldwide where you can choose which country you want to go and send your application. There are lots of Au-Pair organisation all around the world. For example au-pairworld and VIJ.

The first time I was applying this au-pair job, I was thinking that its gonna be difficult for a guy to be choosen. The chance is below 20% or even 10%! . But luckily I do speak German and I have an ability to convince people. Still it is not easy. From 6 families that I sent my application, just one gave me a positive reply. I appreciated that and that moment I have to convince them that I am the right person! Kaboom! Deal.

The most difficult part is applying for the Visa. To enter Germany is not easy plus when you was here once. They need an approval, they want to check if I overstayed before, what is my next plan when I come back to Malaysia and doesn't-make-sense questions! Seriously the officer are strict!  The advantage was I worked at Goethe-Institut and everything went smooth.

I landed in Münster, Germany. A beautiful city in west of Germany where thousands of students live over there and so so so so many pedalist. You can't count them. I was happy to be back in Germany and my duty begin the next day. The same problem I have when travel is jetlag. I can't sleep well and needed some time to adapt with the weather.

What I have to do are :

 Wake up everyday at 6am and prepare coffee for the parents, sandwich or bread for Max and bring Ben to nursery. Sounds pretty easy job but its not. Imagine that you have to sleep earlier (probably same with the kids bed time) so that you are fit the next morning.

Need to cook everyday for Max and guiding him with his homework. Meanwhile I need to pick up Ben from Kindergarden. What annoying me the most is when they don't listen. In your head will be automatically save that you are there as nobody. You're not the parents, they don't care what are you saying, even worse when they don't respect you. You can be strict and loud but they don't help.

I decided to continue my study over here after I complete my Au-Pair job. The contract is until end of October but in most of universities in Germany the course will begin early October. I told my employer about my plan. I assumed that they are ok with it. Somehow in the middle of July I got letter from Uni-Assist( where I sent my Uni application ). I got no place at the University. The day before, my employer(the hostparents) decided to stop my Au-Pair salary immediately(that means I have to return the half to them), and have two weeks to find another place to stay.

I have my right to not give back the money as I know I didn't receive my 50Euros a month for the language course. It is clearly state in the contract that they have to provide me the course fee doesn't matter if I want to take the course or not. But of course I didn't tell them about that. I just said that I need more time to give it back. After I spoke to the father, he said that it's not right. He told me that I am not working anymore with them, I am living there free and eat their food. In my head I was like "What the fuck?! The condition is when you stop the contract immediately, I have the right to stay there another 2 weeks! But of course, I am just a foreigner that came here to help people but not appreciated. That night they came to my room. The mom(she's kinda bitchy), she's still learn to be a good mom and by the way she 32. She was shouting out loud to me saying that I was lying the whole time, that I don't need her help, I cannot be trust anymore and blablabla. They want me to get out of their house early in the morning! Kabooom! I was desperate.
I didn't say anything against them and I don't want to make it more worse.

I was writing and texting my friend all over Germany and hope that someone can help me. Of course it is not easy looking for a help in the middle of the night. They are sleeping Farhan! God bless one of my friend ask me to come to her in Hamburg, I packed my things and moved out. They didn't say goodbye or say thanks. I think its better be like that.

After a few days in Hamburg we found a family that interesed to take me. They are absolutely amazing. She is a single parent. I am here for almost 2 months already and got more friends than in Münster.
She has 2 kids. Timo-11 and Phil-8. They're lovely but sometimes it is hard to handle them. Its a challenge for me. The most happiest thing is she wants me to stay here forever. Not because she likes me but I deserve to stay here. She has a partner by the way and I am interested into men. hahaha.

So guys thank you for visiting my blog. Hope to see you guys soon.

If you have any questions, just ask me and don't be shy! :)

Load of love.


Berlin atau Hamburg

Alhamdulillah, saya masih lagi di beri kesempatan untuk melakar satu lagi coretan dalam blog ni. Maklumlah, kita tak tahu usia kita sampai mana. Selagi mana saya masih bernafas,  Insyaallah saya akan teruskan perjuangan dan saya harap anda di luar sana berada dalam keadaan sihat. Bersyukurlah kerana kita dikurniakan nikmat kesihatan kerana di luar sana masih ada lagi saudara kita yang menderita kesakitan. Semoga mereka dipanjang umur dan dapat merasai kehidupan seperti kita.

Entry saya pada kali ini adalah berkaitan tentang tempat ataupun hala tuju ke mana saya akan pergi sewaktu saya berada di Germany nanti. Sekarang saya mempunyai dua pilihan sama ada Berlin ataupun Hamburg. Kalau diikutkan hati, memang saya akan memilih Hamburg. Maklumlah, dah pernah tinggal di sana selama setahun sebelum ni. Jadi, dah tahu pasarayanya dekat mana, masjid dekat jalan apa. Boleh dikatakan Insyaallah takkan sesat. Tapi saya mendapat jemputan dari seorang Muslim di Berlin. Saya panggil dia Kak Ami. Kak Ami masuk Islam masa umurnya masih muda. Dia selalu juga datang ke Malaysia dan akan berhijrah ke sini tak lama lagi. Kak Ami cakap dekat Berlin komuniti Islam sangat besar. Melalui Kak Ami jugalah saya kenal dgn Abg Nazri. Abg Nazri dah berkeluarga dan menetap di Berlin. Dia sedang mengambil PhD.

Di Hamburg, saya sudah mendapat pekerjaan di sebuah sekolah tarian. OOpps, saya tak ajar menari, tapi saya akan mengedarkan risalah sekolah tersebut. Saya kenal pemilik sekolah tu sebab anak dia kawan saya masa di sekolah dulu. Jika saya menetap di Berlin, Kak Ami juga boleh tolong untuk mendapatkan saya pekerjaan di sebuah restoran Indonesia. Mungkin masih terlalu awal untuk difikirkan. Tunggulah dulu. Bila dah di Germany nanti baru saya tentukan mana satu yang terbaik.

Dua hari yang pertama saya akan menetap di rumah Moritz. Kawan saya yang tinggal di Simmern. Dia juga yg akan menjemput saya di Frankfurt nanti. Jarak dari Frankfurt ke rumah dia pun hanya 1 jam perjalanan. Selepas itu saya akan pergi ke Berlin dan melihat suasana sekeliling. Sehari dua kemudian saya akan pergi ke Hamburg. Semoga pilihan yang saya akan buat adalah yang terbaik.

Tiket penerbangan telah pun ditempah. Penerbangan saya akan berlepas pada jam 3 pagi waktu Malaysia 23November 2012. Kalau anda semua berkesempatan, silalah dtg ke KLIA ye?  Tapi zaman skrg ni bila dh ada fb, ucap selamat tinggal pun dkt wall je. haha. Sama la saya pun. ^^. Tapi flight ni akan mendarat dekat Kuwait dulu. Lepas 4 jam saya akan menaiki pesawat yang lain ke Frankfurt. Kalau tiada sebarang masalah, saya akan mendarat di Frankfurt pada pkul 15:00 iaitu pkul 9malam waktu Malaysia tarikh yang sama. Mesti pelik kan? Selalu klu naik flight jauh² mesti lah lebih sehari. Tapi tak semua. ^^
Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar.

P/s: This Monday is  the German Exam! Doakan saya berjaya!

Your one and only.
Farhan Azmi


Persiapan Terakhir.

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi. Diharapkan semua pembaca blog saya berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera. Agak lama juga saya tidak mengemaskini blog saya. Kali terakhir saya berbuat demikian adalah pada 19hb yg lalu. Dalam seminggu jugak kan? ^^

Pada 21hb yang lepas, saya telah menyertai kem AFS. Kalau nak diceritakan tentang AFS, sampi bila-bila pun tak habis, jadi saya ringkaskan lah. Afs ni adalah organisasi yang mengendalikan program pertukaran pelajar. Jadi saya menjadi sukarelawan untuk berkongsi pengalaman dengan pelajar-pelajar dari luar negara yang baru 3 bulan di Malaysia. Kem tersebut telah diadakan di Pusat Rekreasi Ulu bendul, Negeri Sembilan.

Nak diceritakan, pada hari Jumaat tu semua perkara serba tak kena. Pkul 12 saya ada temu janji dgn penterjemah dokumen. Tapi disebabkan jalan sesak pkul 1 baru saya smpi sana. Sebelum tu dah sms dia ckap saya smpi dlm pkul 12:30 sbb train delay. Nak cover la masa sikit. Tapi kita yang merancang  Allah yang menentukan. Sampaikan org tu cakap dia tak boleh nak tunggu lagi. Tapi nasib baik saya sempat sampai.

Alhamdulillah, sekarang semua dokumen telah pun siap. Saya hanya menunggu Invitation Letter dari keluarga angkat saya di sana dan juga mengambil peperiksaan bahasa German A1 nanti. Diharapkan semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Mohon doa dari kalian semua agar perjalanan saya dipermudahkan Allah S.W.T.

Perkara terakhir yang saya akan lakukan ialah menempah tiket penerbangan. Kalau boleh nak cari yang paling murah. Syukur lah Kuwait Airways menawarkan harga yang paling rendah setakat ni. RM1254 termasuk cukai. Tetapi setiap perkara yang  baik mestilah perlu berkorban. Perjalanan dijangka selama 18 jam. Saya akan mendarat di Kuwait dan menunggu selama 4 jam sebelum penerbangan seterusnya ke Frankfurt. ^^

Insyaallah segalanya akan berjaya. Terima Kasih di atas sokongan kalian.

Salam Ukhuwah
